Mechanical Operator at the Dynamic Theater

Baamin/Baimin: baroque, Li Bai, ming, middleman. Double "a" matches my birthname; Vetelles: convexum, vestibulum, satelles (guard, attendant). May be rhymed with my birthname.

Flame in the cradle, bowstring taut, spring; moon in the mirror, siren's vanity, swim; man in his finitude, heat rising, plunge, plunge, as night's mirror absorbs white, your plunge absorbs you; fall, and sleep in shimmering, milky sheets you – another day.

Central configurations. Geometric group theory, mechanics, convex analysis, operator algebras.

II. Trop., an entrance, opening, beginning: vestibula nimirum honesta aditusque ad causam faciet illustres ( An honorable vestibule, and an approach to the cause, will surely make the illustrious,), Cic. Or. 15, 50: vestibulum modo artis alicujus ingredi (to enter the vestibule in the manner of any art), Quint. 1, 5, 7; cf. id. 8, praef. § 18; 9, 4, 10. (

Balance [metaphorically and vestibularly] within; production and operations [of worldly vestibules] without; to be one for Aiode and Melete.

Mechanical problems e.g. prosthetics, satellites; dynamical e.g. social sciences, operations; dance.

Tools (in development)

Analysis + LA -> Naive Lie theory -> Group theory Visuals:
Sasho (topology), Carter (group theory), Needham (complex analysis, differential geometry), Keenan (differential geometry, MCMC), !!! Multivariate statistics, !!! convex optimization,

The Living Poetry Project